Pom Wolff bericht te Pomgedichten:
WETHOUDER OLTHOF ZAANSTAD in opspraak – de dagen van wethouder OLTHOF lijken geteld. Liegt deze wethouder daar alles aan elkaar? Video van JOKE KAVIAAR betekent het einde van de politieke carriere van deze wethouder.
Wethouder Jeroen Olthof en griffier Lia Randsdorp hebben gelogen bij de rechter. Zo mogen we hier lezen.
Zij hebben verklaard dat Kaviaar in de raadszaal heeft zitten roepen en schreeuwen en geen gehoor heeft gegeven aan een vordering de zaal te verlaten. Kaviaar kon dat gemakkelijk en aantoonbaar ontkennen omdat raadsvergaderingen op video worden opgenomen, waardoor controle van de gang van zaken achteraf mogelijk is.
Deze affaire leidde tenslotte tot een rechtszaak tegen Joke Kaviaar na aangiftes van Olthof, Randsdorp en Kruithof. Tijdens de zitting verweert Kaviaar zich tegen de opmerkingen van Olthof en Randsdorp, dat er was geroepen en geschreeuwd. Ze zei: "Dat is niet waar. Als er een verstoring was, kwam dat door ons te verwijderen. "
Ook beveiliger Kruithof maakte het bont - de burgemeester zou naar zijn zeggen Joke Kaviaar hebben gevorderd de zaal te verlaten. De burgemeester was die avond niet aanwezig.
Zelf zegt hij daarover in zijn aangifte: De vrouw heb ik opgetild en de zaal uitgedragen. In de lobby ben ik op haar gaan zitten om haar onder bedwang te kunnen houden.
Na de leugenachtige getuigenverklaringen van de beveiliger, wethouder/locoburgemeester OLTHOF en de griffier heeft de Officier van Justitie de eis tegen Joke ingetrokken en vrijspraak geëist.
Behalve de Volkskrant heeft ook het landelijke dagblad Trouw aandacht aan deze zaak besteed. Wethouders die de rechter voorliegen zijn geen dagelijkse kost.
De gemeente wil alles in de doofpot stoppen en geeft geen enkel commentaar op alle leugens die zijn verspreid. De dagen van wethouder OLTHOF lijken geteld. Leugen en bedrog is één, meineed is twee!
Vandaag bericht Joke Kaviaar dat het artikel alweer verwijst naar een vrijspraak in de nazomer van 2012 en voegt eraan toe:
Ik heb nog een leuk gedicht voor de gemeente Zaanstad geschreven om de periode van de bajesboten af te ronden overigens. Het is gepubliceerd in het Zaans Stadsblad, dat elke twee weken een gedicht plaatst van iemand uit de Zaanse dichterskring: Dit is 'm...
Zaans Laf
't Waren jaren van klamme handen,
van die bajesboten aan de Zaan
Werk en geld waren zij, de vreemde
gevangenen - Protest zwelde aan
Van 't lokale bestuur kwam geen "nee"
tijdens het Zaanse beraad
Er kwam, op een enkeling na,
geen bezwaar tegen 't plan B&W
Men luisterde wel naar berichten
van Amnesty en jaja, men knikte,
men snifte en wikte, maar voor
verzet zou men nimmer nooit zwichten!
En verhalen, ze mochten niet baten,
over angst, over zelfmoord - Nee,
doofstom waren zij met een stem,
zij zouden het volmondig zo laten
Ja, redeneren kunnen zovelen
Politici nog wel het beste - Alleen,
't heeft met waarheid niets gemeen
't gaat erom met de woorden te spelen
"Stop de waanzin! Nu meteen!"
klonk het uit hees geworden kelen
"Weg met de Zaanse Schande!"
Werd het ooit wel gehoord?
Hoe veel nog hebben zich verhangen,
hoeveel zijn in isolatie gesmoord,
vermoord de wil om te leven, om
enkel economisch belangen?
Zaans lef, waar was nu de moed?
Die geschiedenis is zo duister en laf
Zullen Zaanse koren ooit zingen hiervan,
van de haat die hierdoor werd gevoed?
Joke Kaviaar, 31 augustus 2013
woensdag 30 april 2014
zaterdag 26 april 2014
18 – een hinkstapsprong
het jaar werd door de ratten besnuffeld
er stonden olifanten in de tuin
je ogen, in je moeder nog
-en zoals je over de rand keek-
ze spraken talen
die je later zou beheersen
je vloog niet mee met de zwerm
maar je verstaat het gezoem
we schieten plaatjes
die je als vanzelf ontwikkelt
het leven, hoe je het erin slaat
een oogwenk voor
op het ritme van de tijd
en ik weer even 18
27 04 2014
het jaar werd door de ratten besnuffeld
er stonden olifanten in de tuin
je ogen, in je moeder nog
-en zoals je over de rand keek-
ze spraken talen
die je later zou beheersen
je vloog niet mee met de zwerm
maar je verstaat het gezoem
we schieten plaatjes
die je als vanzelf ontwikkelt
het leven, hoe je het erin slaat
een oogwenk voor
op het ritme van de tijd
en ik weer even 18
27 04 2014
dinsdag 22 april 2014
om je hondje heb ik nog gehuild
zo dierbaar ook je ratten
ze waren tammer dan wij
en heb ik toen dat pompje niet
gekocht voor de kom waarin
die gup zijn rondjes
hoe de pest niet voldoende
bulten in het water
je weet het vast nog wel
alles groeide en bloeide
(ik hield mijn adem in)
behalve je hondje ja
zijn koppie hing al voordat ik
dat was nog van voor
de zuurstof die ik met me meedroeg
nu geef ik alleen nog aan de bomen
langdurig uitademen een tweede natuur
zie je de blaadjes, hoe ze groeien?
22 04 2014
kijkduin, 20 graden
om je hondje heb ik nog gehuild
zo dierbaar ook je ratten
ze waren tammer dan wij
en heb ik toen dat pompje niet
gekocht voor de kom waarin
die gup zijn rondjes
hoe de pest niet voldoende
bulten in het water
je weet het vast nog wel
alles groeide en bloeide
(ik hield mijn adem in)
behalve je hondje ja
zijn koppie hing al voordat ik
dat was nog van voor
de zuurstof die ik met me meedroeg
nu geef ik alleen nog aan de bomen
langdurig uitademen een tweede natuur
zie je de blaadjes, hoe ze groeien?
22 04 2014
kijkduin, 20 graden
maandag 14 april 2014
wat u nog weten moet
ik heb veel aan p & r te danken
zij gaven ongevraagd retour
gevoel voor ritme van de lach
verlost van dwang het leven
te bevatten in drie regels
af ge me ten kwantiteit
de gesel slechts te harden
door ingeblazen dansvaardigheid
dwingt mij, buigend bamboe
gelittekend, den haag
07 04 2014
ik heb veel aan p & r te danken
zij gaven ongevraagd retour
gevoel voor ritme van de lach
verlost van dwang het leven
te bevatten in drie regels
af ge me ten kwantiteit
de gesel slechts te harden
door ingeblazen dansvaardigheid
dwingt mij, buigend bamboe
gelittekend, den haag
07 04 2014
woensdag 9 april 2014
letters to thailand - part 15
letters to thailand – part 15
To the boys and girls of the LEO CLUB
C/o the honourable chairperson BeeBee,
The Construction View Hotel Ao Nang
-allegiance to crown and weathermen-
Life in the Netherlands, my dear friends, seemed for quite a while a perpetual repetition of non-events to such an extend that I could not get myself into writing any prose at all.
In stead I took refuge in de very caves of literary imagination that is the realm of poetry.
Once in a while though one has to leave the grottoes to hunt for food.
At one such expedition I discovered people were just shy of crouching, as they experiencend an encounter with a total stranger in their local supermarket. Later, as I was scanning last month’s papers at an otherwise deserted
library I discovered these fields behind the dunes had become the land of the scared.
For lack of venemous snakes, scorpions or deadly centipedes, they have invented 1.000.000 boogymen, hailing from such dreadfull places as Istanbul, Marakesh or even Osaka.
In stead of guns these sons and daughters of the dark side of our planet, carry something much more hideous…they have two passports hidden deep inside their treacherous pockets.
This now is threatening to shred our society to bits.
It all has to do with loyalty being questioned by the more fascist of minds and a sizable army of dumb-fucks is marching along.
Like there is nothing more important, almost all parties, and believe me, this tiny state knows quite a few, still hold integration, of aliens that is, as the single most important issue of the century… uneasy as they are with the rather unpleasant winds chilling their otherwise pretty red necks, they feel forced to utter noises which they hope to be having a soothing effect, bringing back at their side a fearfull electorate.
Would you believe the story of a former minister who was demanding a law that would forbid the wearing a a burkha, while at the same time she is wearing so much make-up that it could only be determend by her spine-chilling voice that it actually was her?
It is in this climate that the dutch intelligentsia stumble over eachother to be heared declaring loyalty towards the Party for the Animals.
This is not a joke!
Some are even shiftier than icefloes, like a former dutch poet, and former anarchist at that, who for sake of his twenty-something cats first vowed to turn to the Animal Party but now is declaring his love to the Christian
Democrats because a city-councillor of this party is brown-nosing him with her regular visits to the web-site where he keeps a diary of sorts; informing us about the content of his fridge, his cats, the women he’s seen on tv,
women in politics, his cats, the state of his domestic interior, his cats, the lack of visitors and then some more about the cats he keeps and the women he never…
Well, anyway, after his unequivocal support for the local christians, the honourable councillor promised to see what she could do about his cranky computer and maybe she could be helpfull getting him some kind of social benefits? she went on.
In Holland we do not call this corruption.
Meanwhile the poor are fucked as so many votes went to the cats- and dogs party that the one movement that could have made the difference has been left out of negotiations leading towards forming the newly installed government…a government kept in power only because a gang of jezus-freaks has been invited to install itself inside the very rooms
of power.
Then, what can one expect in a country where its mindless inhabitants at times cannot continue their daily routine without a weather alarm?
A weather alarm?
Yes, for in this interbellum between the last ice-age and the next this people that could not so long ago been observed speed-skating to school or factory, now hardly seems to know what to do when we have some 2 or 3 inches of snow coverings the roads.
"Just in case", as train-scedules are declared non-valid, less rather than more trains are offered to the more laborious part of the population, causing them to miss out on a nice day of hard work while actually they had left their vehicles standing because of the red-alert given off by those good old weathermen.
Imagine a few years of rather mild monsoons, mild as in it didn’t rain as much as it used to, and the Royal Thai Weather Buro starts to give off a weather alarm because they expect some rain for a couple of days,
advizing to better stay indoors as it might get wet outside.
Would you venture outside and not bring your umbrella?
To the boys and girls of the LEO CLUB
C/o the honourable chairperson BeeBee,
The Construction View Hotel Ao Nang
-allegiance to crown and weathermen-
Life in the Netherlands, my dear friends, seemed for quite a while a perpetual repetition of non-events to such an extend that I could not get myself into writing any prose at all.
In stead I took refuge in de very caves of literary imagination that is the realm of poetry.
Once in a while though one has to leave the grottoes to hunt for food.
At one such expedition I discovered people were just shy of crouching, as they experiencend an encounter with a total stranger in their local supermarket. Later, as I was scanning last month’s papers at an otherwise deserted
library I discovered these fields behind the dunes had become the land of the scared.
For lack of venemous snakes, scorpions or deadly centipedes, they have invented 1.000.000 boogymen, hailing from such dreadfull places as Istanbul, Marakesh or even Osaka.
In stead of guns these sons and daughters of the dark side of our planet, carry something much more hideous…they have two passports hidden deep inside their treacherous pockets.
This now is threatening to shred our society to bits.
It all has to do with loyalty being questioned by the more fascist of minds and a sizable army of dumb-fucks is marching along.
Like there is nothing more important, almost all parties, and believe me, this tiny state knows quite a few, still hold integration, of aliens that is, as the single most important issue of the century… uneasy as they are with the rather unpleasant winds chilling their otherwise pretty red necks, they feel forced to utter noises which they hope to be having a soothing effect, bringing back at their side a fearfull electorate.
Would you believe the story of a former minister who was demanding a law that would forbid the wearing a a burkha, while at the same time she is wearing so much make-up that it could only be determend by her spine-chilling voice that it actually was her?
It is in this climate that the dutch intelligentsia stumble over eachother to be heared declaring loyalty towards the Party for the Animals.
This is not a joke!
Some are even shiftier than icefloes, like a former dutch poet, and former anarchist at that, who for sake of his twenty-something cats first vowed to turn to the Animal Party but now is declaring his love to the Christian
Democrats because a city-councillor of this party is brown-nosing him with her regular visits to the web-site where he keeps a diary of sorts; informing us about the content of his fridge, his cats, the women he’s seen on tv,
women in politics, his cats, the state of his domestic interior, his cats, the lack of visitors and then some more about the cats he keeps and the women he never…
Well, anyway, after his unequivocal support for the local christians, the honourable councillor promised to see what she could do about his cranky computer and maybe she could be helpfull getting him some kind of social benefits? she went on.
In Holland we do not call this corruption.
Meanwhile the poor are fucked as so many votes went to the cats- and dogs party that the one movement that could have made the difference has been left out of negotiations leading towards forming the newly installed government…a government kept in power only because a gang of jezus-freaks has been invited to install itself inside the very rooms
of power.
Then, what can one expect in a country where its mindless inhabitants at times cannot continue their daily routine without a weather alarm?
A weather alarm?
Yes, for in this interbellum between the last ice-age and the next this people that could not so long ago been observed speed-skating to school or factory, now hardly seems to know what to do when we have some 2 or 3 inches of snow coverings the roads.
"Just in case", as train-scedules are declared non-valid, less rather than more trains are offered to the more laborious part of the population, causing them to miss out on a nice day of hard work while actually they had left their vehicles standing because of the red-alert given off by those good old weathermen.
Imagine a few years of rather mild monsoons, mild as in it didn’t rain as much as it used to, and the Royal Thai Weather Buro starts to give off a weather alarm because they expect some rain for a couple of days,
advizing to better stay indoors as it might get wet outside.
Would you venture outside and not bring your umbrella?
letters to thailand - part 14
To the boys and girls of the LEO CLUB
C/o the honourable chairperson BeeBee,
The Construction View Hotel Ao Nang
getting physical
To watch sport on tv is not for me, let alone write about it.
Yet plenty of people seem to do both…they spend on average some 200 days a year on the couch, missing nothing.
More than a few have been reported with bedsores.
I know of one who beats all.
His record stands at 288 days…not including the time he needed to recover from all the self inflicted tumbles down the stairs.
Keeping himself alive with the crumbs and bones left over by his cats, this guy just about does anything not to have to leave the house. It’s not that he doesn’t like people, they just sometimes scare the living daylight out of him.
I’m his friend and as friends do we get drunk together.
At times I take the couch, still warm, as he crawls upstairs and I swear I’ve seen him perform one of his nifty tricks just as he thought I was already in a coma.
In his hand he had a small screwdriver, fuck if I know where he got that from, and loosened all the screws that held the banisters to the wall.
Sure enough next day he came rolling down the steps…hollering he’d broken all his bloody bones…ofcourse he was still shitfaced so he’d broken fuck all.
Summer and winter, big sports events have an overlap as were they sticky lovers…the man on the couch knows no rest, he’s keeping track.
And lists…always those bloody useless lists that tell you even whether that year’s favorite had a proper shit on a particular
Wintertime is for speed skating…local, national, European and World games, then there are Olympic wintergames, ski-jumping you name it.
Now with summer in near view, you can see guys in loud coloured garments cycling till their balls get beyond the point of possible repair.
One of those contests is held in Belgium. Maybe the only one I can understand. Those fellahs steer their bikes into the first bar they come across, down two pints of lager and race out through the back
door. Those who cross the finish line after having passed through at least 30 bars are all declared winner…really!
So yes it’s true, at times it is good fun, more often though because of the comments by the so-called experts…
"He’s slamming his arm straight through the ball!", I heared somebody comment as, just accidental, I’d zapped a few seconds of my life into the world of tennis.
The winner was The Terminator.
The game sucks anyway.
These milionaires seem to have evolved the game into a one stroke affair..they play it like they fuck and they call the point an Ace …shit, to us, me and my mates, that was an honourary title that had to be earned by climbing soft rock, an incredible dangerous affair that, what else, is still on top of my list of favorite sports.
While the diehards write their stories during the most bitter of cold spells, I will snug even closer against my ‘muse du moment’.
In summer I play my game at the beach…records of Olympic standards go to smithereens in the glow of the setting sun.
C/o the honourable chairperson BeeBee,
The Construction View Hotel Ao Nang
getting physical
To watch sport on tv is not for me, let alone write about it.
Yet plenty of people seem to do both…they spend on average some 200 days a year on the couch, missing nothing.
More than a few have been reported with bedsores.
I know of one who beats all.
His record stands at 288 days…not including the time he needed to recover from all the self inflicted tumbles down the stairs.
Keeping himself alive with the crumbs and bones left over by his cats, this guy just about does anything not to have to leave the house. It’s not that he doesn’t like people, they just sometimes scare the living daylight out of him.
I’m his friend and as friends do we get drunk together.
At times I take the couch, still warm, as he crawls upstairs and I swear I’ve seen him perform one of his nifty tricks just as he thought I was already in a coma.
In his hand he had a small screwdriver, fuck if I know where he got that from, and loosened all the screws that held the banisters to the wall.
Sure enough next day he came rolling down the steps…hollering he’d broken all his bloody bones…ofcourse he was still shitfaced so he’d broken fuck all.
Summer and winter, big sports events have an overlap as were they sticky lovers…the man on the couch knows no rest, he’s keeping track.
And lists…always those bloody useless lists that tell you even whether that year’s favorite had a proper shit on a particular
Wintertime is for speed skating…local, national, European and World games, then there are Olympic wintergames, ski-jumping you name it.
Now with summer in near view, you can see guys in loud coloured garments cycling till their balls get beyond the point of possible repair.
One of those contests is held in Belgium. Maybe the only one I can understand. Those fellahs steer their bikes into the first bar they come across, down two pints of lager and race out through the back
door. Those who cross the finish line after having passed through at least 30 bars are all declared winner…really!
So yes it’s true, at times it is good fun, more often though because of the comments by the so-called experts…
"He’s slamming his arm straight through the ball!", I heared somebody comment as, just accidental, I’d zapped a few seconds of my life into the world of tennis.
The winner was The Terminator.
The game sucks anyway.
These milionaires seem to have evolved the game into a one stroke affair..they play it like they fuck and they call the point an Ace …shit, to us, me and my mates, that was an honourary title that had to be earned by climbing soft rock, an incredible dangerous affair that, what else, is still on top of my list of favorite sports.
While the diehards write their stories during the most bitter of cold spells, I will snug even closer against my ‘muse du moment’.
In summer I play my game at the beach…records of Olympic standards go to smithereens in the glow of the setting sun.
dinsdag 8 april 2014
uit de serie klein leed
Dag bril
Uitgerekend op de dag van de bril,
ik verzin het niet, waarom zou ik?,
net op deze zo belangrijke dag
raakte ik mijn leesbril kwijt.
waarschijnlijk laten liggen bij de Lidl,
ergens bij de diepvries;
daar wil ik nog wel eens diepgaand
in gesprek geraken met mevrouwen
die je aan de sojabrokken willen helpen,
dat het zo goed is voor je stoelgang
en het is ook zoveel beter
voor het meleu en by the way
het is ook heel belangrijk
om na afloop je poep te lezen.
Ze zei het echt en dat op de dag
van de bril, Rebecca weet wat ik bedoel,
en dat ik morgen dus mijn poep niet lezen kan
want of je nu de bril omhoog of niet,
als er geen glas inzit en je bemest
al zes decennia dit land,
waar kan je dan als dichter nog naartoe?
Naar de Hema natuurlijk,
waar de +3 brillen net 2 centimeter
boven de grond hangen en de rookieglasses,
de nulkommavijfjes, op ooghoogte.
08 04 2014
Uitgerekend op de dag van de bril,
ik verzin het niet, waarom zou ik?,
net op deze zo belangrijke dag
raakte ik mijn leesbril kwijt.
waarschijnlijk laten liggen bij de Lidl,
ergens bij de diepvries;
daar wil ik nog wel eens diepgaand
in gesprek geraken met mevrouwen
die je aan de sojabrokken willen helpen,
dat het zo goed is voor je stoelgang
en het is ook zoveel beter
voor het meleu en by the way
het is ook heel belangrijk
om na afloop je poep te lezen.
Ze zei het echt en dat op de dag
van de bril, Rebecca weet wat ik bedoel,
en dat ik morgen dus mijn poep niet lezen kan
want of je nu de bril omhoog of niet,
als er geen glas inzit en je bemest
al zes decennia dit land,
waar kan je dan als dichter nog naartoe?
Naar de Hema natuurlijk,
waar de +3 brillen net 2 centimeter
boven de grond hangen en de rookieglasses,
de nulkommavijfjes, op ooghoogte.
08 04 2014
zaterdag 5 april 2014
aandoenlijk wel zo'n joch dat valt
voor koeienogen en toch veganistisch
angehaucht op weg naar roem en bevrediging
een tabletje tegen de papierverspilling
bij de hand met net voldoende zicht
om tot ons zijn woord te richten
en ergens achterin de oude lenig nog
van lust en leden pootje lichten
komt nu langzaam dichterbij
04 04 2014
aandoenlijk wel zo'n joch dat valt
voor koeienogen en toch veganistisch
angehaucht op weg naar roem en bevrediging
een tabletje tegen de papierverspilling
bij de hand met net voldoende zicht
om tot ons zijn woord te richten
en ergens achterin de oude lenig nog
van lust en leden pootje lichten
komt nu langzaam dichterbij
04 04 2014
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