- Poor starv'ling bard, how small thy gains!
How unproportion'd to thy pains! -

zaterdag 1 september 2012

letters to thailand - part 8

to the boys and girls of the LEO CLUB
C/o the honourable chairperson BeeBee,
The Construction View Hotel Ao Nang, Krabi


If ever there is a period, my dear band of gypsies, that reminds me why it is that the more sane amongst us do not wish to be involved in politics, it’s that mind-boggling event called election time. Sure enough we’ve all had a good laugh when one of the clowns in the Thai Parliament took out a few hundred amulets from underneath his shirt and rattled them in the face of an adversary…more often than not the bastards accused eachother of murder, mayhem and corruption and they all had it right.

While most of the dutch candidates in this month’s elections, probably cannot be put into one and the same league with those criminal murderers, they sure enough make a good laugh, wearing silly hats that actually suit them, as they shout obscene language in bars while the stoutest women of them all indulge in wet T-shirt contests.
Whatever their handicap, they have one more thing in common…no one ever uses words like PEACE… ART… BEAUTY… let alone the word LOVE.

My birthday being March 11, it is aspecially the word LOVE that springs to mind when I think of that courageous mother, who lost her son in one of the explosions in Madrid, that wiped away the lives of 191 people on that very date in 2004. Nine months after this woman by the name of Pilar Marjón speeched for over one hour in the Spanish Congress, wiping the floor with all those cowards…shameless politicians who, in the face of upcoming elections (just three days after yet another doomsday) rushed to the scene to point their fingers in that one direction…the other way.

Up to this day Pilar, who unintentionally became the voice of all the people who had lost their children, their parents, loved ones, friends, is being bothered by Spanish Flies working in his Majesty’s Secret Service. As we all know, flies have shit for brains…even with multi-facetted eyes they cannot make out the pain, still radiating from those who actually lived through that day in hell.

ps Filmmaker Ramon Gieling and composer Paul van Brugge, both from the Netherlands, worked together in the documentary ‘The garden of absentees’ (original title: de tuin der afwezigen). In this chilling movie one is confronted with the faces of those who where actually there during the blasts…as they listen to Van Brugge’s music they seem to return to Dante’s World.

letters to thailand - part 1
letters to thailand - part 2
letters to thailand - part 3
letters to thailand - part 4
letters to thailand - part 5
letters to thailand - part 6
letters to thailand - part 7

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